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The National Weather Service forecast for the greater San Francisco Bay Area for Wednesday, Dec. 20, calls for rain and thunderstorms during the whole day, with up to 100% chance of showers in some areas in the region.

Daytime highs will be mostly in the 60s on the coast and inland, and in the 50s and 60s around the bay. Overnight lows should be mostly in the 40s in the region, with some areas around the bay dropping into the 50s.

Forecasters say rain will continue throughout the day with the focus shifting southward Wednesday night. Light to moderate showers are expected to move into the North Bay with scattered showers along the coastal ranges. As the day progresses, rain will move inland across the entire region with the coastal ranges picking up the most rainfall.

There is a 15% to 25% chance of isolated thunderstorms over the Central Coast. Any thunderstorms that may develop can produce locally heavy rainfall, according to the NWS.

Also, there is a Coastal Flood Advisory in effect in San Francisco, North Bay Interior Valleys, and San Francisco Bay Shoreline Counties until 7 a.m. Wednesday. A Wind Advisory is also raised over the Santa Lucia Mountains and Los Padres National Forest during the same period.

Meanwhile, lingering precipitation is projected for Thursday, Dec. 21, across the Central Coast.

According to forecasters, dry conditions are likely to return by late week and persist into the start of the holiday week.

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